Officials say this is a new major disaster declaration and is separate from the declaration for Hurricane Helene.
COLUMBIA, S.C. — Governmental agencies and some nonprofits in three Midlands counties may be eligible for FEMA public assistance after severe storms and flooding of during November.
Bamberg, Calhoun and Orangeburg counties, which were affected by severe storms and flooding from Nov. 6-14, 2024, may be eligible for the assistance, which can help cover costs for debris removal, protective measures, public buildings and equipment, public utilities, and more.
Officials say this is a new major disaster declaration and is separate from the declaration for Hurricane Helene.
The Public Assistance Program provides federal funding on a cost-share basis to assist states, federally recognized tribal governments, U.S. territories, local governments and private nonprofits that provide essential social services to the public.
The state of South Carolina will conduct applicant briefings to inform potential applicants of the assistance available and how to apply. Applicants then file a Request for Public Assistance (RPA) and identify damage that resulted from the disaster. FEMA determines eligibility for reimbursement after state review.
The state will manage Public Assistance funds received from FEMA, including disbursement of the funds to the applicant.
For more information about FEMA’s Public Assistance program, visit Assistance for Governments and Private Non-Profits After a Disaster at
Additionally, all areas of the state are now eligible for Hazard Mitigation assistance.
For more information about disaster recovery operations in South Carolina, visit