There are a few currencies to get to grips with in Mecha Break, but once you understand what each does, they are pretty easy to understand. The three currencies in Mecha Break are Corite, Matrix Credit, and Merit Points, and each does different things.
In this guide, we will show you how to obtain and use Corite, Matrix Credit, and Merit Points in Mecha Break.
There isn’t a set-in-stone method of getting Corite. However, the best way to obtain it is through the daily code drop in the Mecha Break Discord Server, which you can join here. While you can technically receive Ultimate Maintenance Boxes from the Mashmak extraction mode and gain Corite that way, it is much more inconsistent than the daily supply of Corite from the Discord server.
Once you go through the server’s onboarding process, head to the #giveaways channel found in the news section and click ‘Daily Check-in’ on the bot message from the Mecha Break Assistant. This will generate a code granting various rewards, some of which can be Ultimate Maintenence Boxes containing Corite.
As the game’s premium currency, Corite will be used for typical microtransaction purposes (cosmetics). These can be for your Pilot or some Mechs. Alternatively, you can trade Corite for Matrix Credit, but there is no point in doing this as it is incredibly easy to obtain and not so easy to get Corite.
Make sure to check your mail frequently, as the developers send out plenty of Ultimate Maintenance Boxes and even Corite itself!
Matrix Credit
Matrix Credit is Mecha Break’s most common currency and can be obtained in the easiest fashion. Typically, Matrix Credit comes from completing missions in PvP operations or on Mashmak, making them quite farmable. Alternatively, there are often limited-time events that have their specific objectives that will reward Matrix Credit.
Matrix Credit doesn’t just come from free sources, though. If you want to maximise your Matrix Credit farming, you should get the Matrix Contract battle pass, as it rewards plenty of Supply Crates, which can contain Matrix Credit. Instead, as mentioned before, you can turn Corite into Matrix Credit. However, we advise against this due to how easy it is to get Matrix Credit compared to Corite.
The primary function of Matrix Credit is to buy new Mechs. As you progress through the game, some of the Mechs get pretty expensive, and if you don’t want to spend any Corite, Matrix Credits are the only alternative. Matrix Credits can also be used to purchase lesser cosmetics for your Pilot or paint jobs for your mech.
Merit Points
Merit Points, while not as premier as Corite, are still relatively rare and serve as the main ‘grindy’ currency for Mecha Break. The best way to get Merit Points is through the Mashmak extraction gamemode. Participating in this mode earns you Mission Points, 10% of which are turned into Merit Points. For example, if you earn 730 Mission Points, you will only net yourself 73 Merit Points.
To supplement your Merit Point income, you can exchange some of your Mashmak drops in the Logistics section. Navigating to this menu and selecting ‘Merit Points Exchange’ in the bottom right allows you to choose some exchangeable items for a decent sum.
Merit Points can be spent in the Logistics menu for cosmetics and even one of the Mechs- Inferno, making Merit Points quite an important currency.