
Ohio Governor Announces Multi-Million Dollar Healthcare Program

BELMONT COUNTY, OH (WTRF) — Many young Ohioans will soon have access to advanced healthcare thanks to Governor Mike DeWine and Lieutenant Governor Jon Husted.

Governor DeWine announced today that more than $3.3 million will be awarded to the East Central Ohio Educational Service Center in Belmont County as a part of the Appalachian Community Grant Program. 

”Our vision for Ohio’s future is one where all Ohioans, no matter where they’re from, have the opportunity to live up to their full potential.”

Gov. Mike DeWine – (R) OH

The multi-million-dollar grant will be used to establish a brand-new health and wellness center on the second floor of the building.

The facility will be operated by the Ohio Hills Health Center in collaboration with Ohio University. It will provide both medical and dental care to students in Belmont, Tuscarawas, Carrol, Guernsey, and Harrison County.

Governor DeWine shares why the new facility is so critical to have in this area.  

”This is really all about, I think, making sure that our kids are healthy and ready to learn.”

Gov. Mike DeWine – (R) OH

Lieutenant Governor Jon Husted says having school-based health facilities is crucial to giving students a strong foundation to learn.

The program will also include various partnerships, one of which is Nationwide Children’s Hospital in Columbus. Lieutenant Governor Husted says these partnerships will allow families to get the care they need in person and through telehealth visits.  

”If they have a special need, you can connect them with specialists at Nationwide Children’s in Columbus. They don’t have to travel. It offers them access to a higher level of care than they otherwise would have access to.”

Lt. Gov. Jon Husted – (R) OH

The Superintendent of the East Central Ohio Educational Service Center, Randy Lucas, says he is excited for the opportunity to use their facilities to better our future generations.  

”We look forward to operating and being a partner with them to provide the facility for their operations, to provide as much needed primary care physician services, and also those dental services with providers that accept Medicaid.”

Randy Lucas – Superintendent, East Central Ohio Educational Service Center

The facility will also work with the Ohio Primary Care Workforce Initiative to offer clinical rotations for students in healthcare fields.  

Lucas says he believes it will be at least a year before the facility will be built and ready to provide high-quality healthcare services.

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