
Tunisia: procedures completed to obtain a loan of 50 million euros from Italy

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The Government of Tunisia has completed the necessary procedures to obtain a 50 million euro loan from Italy to finance the 2024 state budget. This was announced by the Presidency of the Tunisian Government, specifying that the agreement, signed on 17 April , was published as Presidential Decree No. 455 in the Official Journal of the Tunisian Republic (Jort) No. 100 of 2024. The North African country plans to mobilize resources to finance the 2024 state budget, including $38 million from the Arab Monetary Fund and 400 million dollars from the African Development Bank (Afdb). Tunis is also working to secure $300 million from Algeria and $500 million from Saudi Arabia. The Tunisian executive also managed to find foreign currency resources on the local market through an agreement with several local banks which granted the Treasury 156 million euros and 16 million dollars.

Last April 17, the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Edmondo Cirielli, as part of the mission to Tunisia led by the Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, had signed an agreement for a 50 million euro aid credit to Tunisia focused on the promotion of energy efficiency and renewable energy, in line with the Elmed project for electrical interconnection by cable between Italy and Tunisia. As part of the initiatives decided by the Joint Committee for Development Cooperation, it was also signed by the director of European and international affairs of Cassa Depositi e Prestiti and president of Simest, Pasquale Salzano, the financial agreement relating to a credit line in favor of small and medium-sized Tunisian businesses, for which a loan of 55 million euros is expected, also with a view to promoting employment and intervening on the causes of economic migration.

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