Geauga County Finance Director Adrian Gorton came under fire during an Aug. 26 hearing before the Geauga County Budget Commission when he said the renovation of the historic courthouse on Chardon Square might stall out if the commission didn’t certify a $10 million cash encumbrance request.
Geauga County Finance Director Adrian Gorton came under fire during an Aug. 26 hearing before the Geauga County Budget Commission when he said the renovation of the historic courthouse on Chardon Square might stall out if the commission didn’t certify a $10 million cash encumbrance request. “Unless I am able to certify the $10 million and create an encumbrance on that and begin to transfer at least portions of the $10 million into the capital reserve fund before the end of the year — and indeed, probably within the next couple months — we may need to halt construction on…
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