
Nature in the Boardroom – United Nations Environment – Finance Initiative

We value nature because it is important, yet we lose nature because it is free. The economy is a wholly owned subsidiary of nature, not the other way around. Nature is our biggest shareholder, yet it does not have a seat at the table in boardrooms across the globe. Recent research by S&P Global Sustainable (2023) finds that 85% of the world’s largest companies have a significant dependency on nature across their direct operations. However, according to the World Benchmarking Alliance (2024), only 2% of companies have boards that can demonstrate relevant expertise on topics like biodiversity or climate. How can protecting nature protect your business? How might it also open new investable opportunities? What would nature tell us if a seat were made available for her?

This report offers guidance to help boards of financial institutions navigate these complexities by providing a clear approach for identifying, managing, and reporting on nature-related risks and opportunities. This enables them to effectively integrate these considerations into governance and strategic decision-making within their organizations. Additionally, a helpful blueprint is included, outlining key actions and objectives aimed at integrating nature-related considerations into the core of executive leadership.

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