
Ashland making trust funds available for affordable housing projects | Top Stories


ASHLAND, Ore. — The city of Ashland is offering up to $200,000 in funding for projects intended to create affordable housing in the city.

The purpose of the city’s Affordable Housing Trust Fund is to encourage the development of housing for low and moderate-income families. The city says this housing is intended for people whose income does not exceed 120% of the area median income.

The packet calling for proposals says that these types of projects can be pitched:

• Acquisition and construction of new affordable housing

• Conservation

• Land banking

• Predevelopment activities

• Bridge loans

• Capacity Building Direct grant awards for non-profit affordable housing providers to fund administration of an affordable housing project or program

• Rehabilitation and emergency repairs

• Hazardous materials abatement

• Direct benefits to low-moderate income households through an established program including down payment assistance, rental assistance, mortgage foreclosure prevention, emergency housing vouchers, homeownership training, renter education, or other programs intended to increase housing opportunities for Ashland’s low-moderate income residents

• Transitional and emergency Housing for homeless individuals and families through an established program to move people toward self-sufficiency

Proposals must be submitted in PDF form to by Friday, Feb. 21 at 4:30 p.m.

Liv Collom is a reporter/producer at NewsWatch 12. You can reach Liv at

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