
Communities could lose unspent ARPA funds in December if they don’t do this

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Tom Kaleko is a principal and Lucas Peterson is a senior consultant with the municipal advisor team at Baker Tilly, an advisory tax and assurance firm.  

More than three years ago, Congress passed the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan Act. The package included the Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds program, or SLFRF, resulting in $350 billion in grants for state and local governments. Recipient communities have made plans for using the funds and begun acting on those plans. If they don’t take certain steps, however, they might have to give the money back to the federal government. Community leaders must act quickly to ensure they obligate the funds by Dec. 31, 2024, in most cases and spend the funds by Dec. 31, 2026, to meet the regulatory requirements.   

What is and isn’t an “obligation?” 

The U.S. Treasury Department defines “obligation” as an order placed for property and services or entry into a purchase order, contract, subaward and similar transactions that require payment. The easiest way to think of an obligation is a signed legal commitment in which a public sector entity commits itself to pay for something. 

Some cities are missing the mark on obligations. A city governing body voting to allocate or earmark funds is not making an obligation. For example, a city council that passed its FY25 budget outlining where it will use SLFRF funds has not obligated that money. It still needs to use one of the contractual mechanisms (a contract or subaward) or place an order for property or services. The project must also comply with certain administrative and legal requirements of the SLFRF program, including meeting required reporting deadlines.

The Treasury Department is now allowing some exceptions to the obligation rule and deadline. It outlines the specific cases that qualify for exceptions in the SLFRF final rule. Recipients may obligate SLFRF money after Dec. 31, 2024, for legal and administrative costs that include meeting requirements for reporting and compliance, record retention and internal controls, environmental compliance, civil rights and nondiscrimination, as well as for single audit costs and property standards. This includes in-house staff time and consultant or contractor expenses relating to those administrative costs.

To take advantage of these exceptions, cities must follow a four-step process which includes estimating the amount needed, justifying that amount, reporting the estimate to the Treasury Department by specific deadlines and detailing the final amount spent at award closeout. 

Note that the Dec. 31 obligation deadline only applies to the local government recipient of SLFRF funds from the federal government. Subrecipients and contractors do not need to take additional steps to obligate funds they receive via a subaward or contract with the original recipient. 

Obligating future payroll expenses

Cities need to be careful about considering payroll expenses as an obligation. The Treasury Department will consider a recipient to have incurred an obligation to use funds to cover personnel costs for an employee through Dec. 31, 2026 — if the employee is serving in a position that was established and filled before Dec. 31, 2024. To be eligible, the personnel costs must be covered in connection with an eligible use of SLFRF. For example, this could include city employees developing broadband projects or county employees overseeing contracts to build affordable housing. Eligible personnel costs include salaries and wages, covered benefits (such as leave and insurance) and payroll taxes. 

If an SLFRF-funded position was established before Dec. 31, 2024, a recipient may replace the employee in that position, and that replacement does not need to be immediate. 

Recipients may also reorganize positions within the scope of an eligible SLFRF project after Dec. 31, 2024. FAQs on the final rule give this example: If an eligible project employs 10 job training specialists on Dec. 31, 2024, and one of those training specialists is promoted to a supervisory role, the project can continue to use SLFRF funds for that person as long as the funds continue to cover no more than 10 positions total. 

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