Tama County Administration Building, 104 W State St., Toledo, Iowa. TELEGRAPH FILE PHOTO
TOLEDO – The county engineer started last Monday’s Tama Co. Board of Supervisors meeting by asking a few questions about the agreement with Mid-American Energy. It is a road damage and right of way agreement. After questions about wording and other concerns were answered, the supervisors went ahead and approved the contract.
The engineer also had the supervisors sign some other right-of-way agreements for a couple of box culvert projects. The engineer said that they’re using the current weather to their advantage getting small projects done. As for the current work on the K Avenue bridge project, the abutments have been poured, and they will move on to firming up the deck.
Tammy Wise was on hand to explain the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) resolution. This resolution was for the distribution of some of the ARPA funds for varying projects.
The list of how the funds will be distributed is as follows.
-Tama Auditor – Laptops/Tyler training- 26,000.00
-Tama County Secondary Roads- Cameras/tower/osmosis-12,579.00
-Tama County Veterans Affairs- Carpet- 8,000.00
-Tama County Maintenance- Garage- 60,000.00
-Tama County Safety- 1st Aid- 5,235.00
-Tama County Treasurer- desks- 3,500.00
-Tama County Economic Development- Business Recovery- 28,025.00
-Tama County Recorder- Computers – 6,000.00
-Tama County 911- Computer/training – 15,184.46
-Tama County HR- Door/cabinets- 10,000.00
-Tama County Attorney- Computers- 10,000.00
The supervisors were informed that at a former tax sale, they approved the waiving of a Poweshiek Water Interest Payment, and this was not in their power. So, they took action to correct this mistake.
The supervisors also approved moving this week’s meeting to Tuesday, Dec. 26 due to the holidays.
Claims totaling $657,115.44 were approved.