A $49,635 change order for fiber optics work at the future police headquarters and municipal court received approval from the Sandy Springs City Council on Tuesday night.
The original contract with Reedwick LLC for $135,390 was for the construction of a public safety fiber project that added a fiber mini-hub at the corner of Roswell Road and Morgan Falls Road. It serves as the city’s fiber optic communications distribution hub for the northern part of the city.
With this new change order, Reedwick will:
- Connect the fiber from the Mini-Hub Cabinet at Morgan Falls at 7815 Roswell Road to the Fleet building at 8475 Roswell Road.
- Conduct a fiber audit between Morgan Falls Mini-Hub Cabinet at 7815 Roswell Road and City Hall at 1 Galambos Way to determine fiber allocations so that the connections to the Fleet building and the Police Headquarters and Municipal Court Facility can be completed.
- Conduct a fiber audit between Morgan Falls Mini-Hub Cabinet at 7815 Roswell Road and GDOT Hub Q on State Route 400 to determine fiber allocations to complete the Automated Traffic Signal Performance Measures project in cooperation and coordination with the Georgia Department of Transportation Signal Operations (SigOps) program.
- Add fiberoptic jumpers to the Police Headquarters and Municipal Court Facility at 620 Morgan Falls Road to complete the fiber connection.
The change order extended the contract deadline by 120 days to complete the additional work, taking it to June 12.
When the contractor encountered solid rock in some portions of Morgan Falls Road last year, a $39,098 change order was approved for the additional work required.