
Spartanburg homeowners with Helene roof damage can apply for funds

If your home’s roof was damaged as a result of Tropical Storm Helene, you may be eligible for financial assistance to make needed repairs.

Spartanburg County and the City of Spartanburg are offering help to low-income homeowners — the program is aimed at residents whose annual household income is at or below 80 percent of the area’s median income. The South Carolina Housing Trust Fund funds the program.

“This is something that’s been a need in the county since the storm,” said community services specialist Michael Brown. “We’re excited to have the opportunity to provide this support.”

Depending on the extent of roof damage and the cost of repairs, homeowners may apply for up to $30,000 of assistance.

Spartanburg County published information about the program on social media last week and has begun to see applications come in, said communications manager Scottie Kay Blackwell.

In the City of Spartanburg, “We’ve already got people going through the application process,” said Christopher George, communications manager with the city.

City of Spartanburg residents who are interested in learning more or applying for support should go to the city’s homeowner resources webpage or call David Maher in neighborhood services at (864) 580-5011.

County residents should go to the disaster assistance program webpage or contact Michael Brown at (864) 595-5314.

Applicants are required to have lived in their homes at the time the storm damage occurred.

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